Our 20 Favorite Guests Photos of 2020
As 2020 comes to a close, we share 20 of our favorite Instagram photos taken at Alpha Omega during the past 12 months. We appreciate everyone who visited us during this unusual year and posted photos from their visit. We know there are many more of you who wanted to visit but could not due to the times, which is why we also selected our 22 favorite Instagram photos of 2020 taken inside the homes of Alpha Omega enthusiasts. Click here to check out that blog post too. We wish everyone a Happy New Year and look forward to pouring our wines for you again in 2021!
She Said YES!!!
Barrel Building Beauty
Her Happy Place
The Wine MVP
Private Tasting Time
A Dog's Life
Pawrents Day
Cabana Style
Celebrating National Dog Day
Thanksgiving Holiday Break
Remembering In-Person Wine Club Events
Fall for Fall
Girl's Day Out
Private Tasting from Barrel Building Crush Pad
Oh Happy Day!
Halloween Howls
Water Only Please
Sip and Dip
Sealed with a Kiss
Napa Green
We love when people enjoy our property so much that they want to share. Be sure to tag us with our Instagram screen name @aowinery or location or use the hashtag #experienceAO so we can see your photos. We may use yours in 2021!